15. API Reference
15.1. krypton.basic
Basic security related classes.
- class krypton.basic.Crypto(keyDB: ~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session = <sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session object>)
Crypto Class (see Documentation)
- secureCreate(data: ByteString, pwd: ByteString = None, _num: int = None)
Store Encrypted Data
- Arguments:
data – Plaintext data
- Keyword Arguments:
pwd – Password To Decrypt (default: {None})
_num – Unless you know what this is, not good idea to set! Id to store in DB (default: {None})
- Returns:
Integer to be passed to secureRead to return data
- secureDelete(num: int, pwd: ByteString = None) None
Delete Data set by secureCreate
- Arguments:
num – Integer id of entry
- Keyword Arguments:
pwd – Password (default: {None})
- secureRead(num: int, pwd: ByteString)
Read data from secureCreate
- Arguments:
num – Integer returned from secureCreate
pwd – Password set in secureCreate
- Returns:
Plaintext data
- secureUpdate(num: int, new: ByteString, pwd: ByteString)
Update Entry Set by secureCreate
- Arguments:
num – Integer id of entry
new – New data to set
pwd – Password
- class krypton.basic.KMS(keyDB: ~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session = <sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session object>)
They Key Management System
- createNewKey(name: str, pwd: ByteString = None) str
Create a new key and store it
- Arguments:
name – Name of the Key
- Keyword Arguments:
pwd – Password (default: {None})
- Raises:
KeyError: If key with same name already exists
- Returns:
The key as python bytes
- getKey(name: str, pwd: ByteString = None, force: bool = False) bytes
Get a Key
- Arguments:
name – Name of the key to get
- Keyword Arguments:
pwd – Password (default: {None})
force – Override Cryptoperiod Compliance errors (default: {False})
- Raises:
ValueError: If the key does not exist
KeyManagementError: If the key has expired - set force=True to override
ValueError: If an unsupported cipher is used
ValueError: Wrong passwords were provided or the key was tampered with
- Returns:
The key as python bytes
- removeKey(name: str, pwd: ByteString = None) None
Delete a Key
- Arguments:
name – Name of the Key
- Keyword Arguments:
pwd – Password (default: {None})
- exception krypton.basic.KeyManagementError(*args: object)
Error in Key Management System
For example, compliance issues
- Arguments:
Exception – Inherits base Exception class
15.2. krypton.auth.users.bases
Contains Abstract Base Classes for user models. You can check this to see the declarations for functions.
- exception krypton.auth.users.bases.UserError(*args: object)
Exception to be raised when an error occurs in a user model.
- class krypton.auth.users.bases.user
Base Class for User Models. You can check this to see whether a method is implemented in user models.
- abstract decryptWithUserKey(data: ByteString, salt: bytes = None, sender=None) bytes
Decrypt data with user’s key
- Arguments:
data – Ciphertext
salt – Salt
- Keyword Arguments:
sender – If applicable sender’s user name (default: {None})
- Returns:
- abstract delete()
Delete a user
- Returns:
- abstract deleteData(name: str) None
Delete key-value pair set by setData
- Arguments:
name – The key to remove
- abstract disableMFA()
The method name says it all.
- abstract enableMFA()
The method name says it all.
- abstract enablePWDReset()
Enable Password Reset
- Arguments:
key – The key needed to reset
- abstract encryptWithUserKey(data: ByteString, otherUsers: list[str]) bytes
Encrypt data with user’s key
- Arguments:
data – Plaintext
- Keyword Arguments:
otherUsers – List of user nameswho can decrypt it (default: {None})
- Returns:
List of tuples of form (user name, ciphertext, salt), check: https://docs.krptn.dev/README-USER-AUTH.html#encryption.
- abstract generateNewKeys(pwd: str)
Regenerate Encryption keys
- Arguments:
pwd – Password
- abstract getData(name: str) ByteString
Get value set by setData
- Arguments:
name – the key
- Raises:
AttributeError: if a value is not set
- Returns:
The value
- abstract getLogs() list[list[datetime.datetime, bool]]
getLogs Get the login logs for the user
- abstract logFailure()
logFailure Log a login failure
- abstract login(pwd: str, mfaToken: str = None, fido: str = None)
Log the user in
- Keyword Arguments:
pwd – Password (default: {None})
otp – One-Time Password (default: {None})
fido – Fido Token (default: {None})
- Raises:
UserError: Password is not set
- Returns:
Session Key, None if user is not saved
- abstract logout()
logout Logout the user and delete the current Session
- abstract reload()
Reload encryption keys. Warning: previous keys are not purged!
- abstract resetPWD(key: str, newPWD: str)
Reset Password
- Arguments:
key – Key as provided to enablePWDReset
- abstract restoreSession(key: bytes)
Resume session from key
- Arguments:
key – Session Key
- abstract revokeSessions()
Revoke all Sessions for this User
- Raises:
UserError: If the user does not exist
- abstract saveNewUser(name: str, pwd: str)
Save a new user
- Arguments:
name – User Name
pwd – Password
- Keyword Arguments:
fido – Fido Token (default: {None})
- Raises:
ValueError: If user is already saved
- abstract setData(name: str, value: any) None
Store user data as a key-value pair
- Arguments:
name – key
value – value
shareDelete Delete data set by shareSet
- Arguments:
name – Name of the data
Get data set by shareSet
- Arguments:
name – The “name of the data”
- Raises:
ValueError: if decryption fails
- Returns:
Decrypted data
Set data readable by others
- Arguments:
name – The “name” of the data
data – The data
otherUsers – List of usernames who should read it
- krypton.auth.users.bases.userExistRequired(func)
User has to be saved in order to run this function
- Arguments:
func – function
- Raises:
UserError: If user is not saved
- Returns:
15.3. krypton.auth.users.userModel
Provides User Models Note for developer’s working on Krypton: this only contains user model cryptography.
- class krypton.auth.users.userModel.standardUser(userName: str = None, userID: int = None)
User Model for Krypton Check documentation.
- decryptWithUserKey(data: ByteString, sender=None) bytes
Decrypt data with user’s key
- Arguments:
data – Ciphertext
- Keyword Arguments:
sender – If applicable sender’s user name (default: {None})
- Raises:
ValueError: if decryption fails
- Returns:
- deleteData(name: str) None
Delete key-value pair set by setData
- Arguments:
name – The key to remove
- encryptWithUserKey(data: ByteString, otherUsers: list[int] = None) list[tuple[str, bytes, bytes]]
Encrypt data with user’s key
- Arguments:
data – Plaintext
- Keyword Arguments:
otherUsers – List of user names who can decrypt it (default: {None})
- Returns:
If otherUsers is None: ciphertext.
If otherUsers is not None: list of tuples (check https://docs.krptn.dev/README-USER-AUTH.html#encryption).
- generateNewKeys(pwd: str)
Regenerate Encryption keys
- Arguments:
pwd – Password
- getData(name: str) ByteString
Get value set by setData
- Arguments:
name – the key
- Raises:
ValueError: if decryption fails, or if a value is not set
- Returns:
The value
- reload()
Reload encryption keys. Warning: previous keys are not purged!
- setData(name: str, value: any) None
Store user data as a key-value pair
- Arguments:
name – key
value – value
shareDelete Delete data set by shareSet
- Arguments:
name – Name of the data
Get data set by shareSet
- Arguments:
name – The “name of the data”
- Raises:
ValueError: if decryption fails or requested data does not exist
- Returns:
Decrypted data
Set data readable by others
- Arguments:
name – The “name” of the data
data – The data
otherUsers – List of usernames who should read it
15.4. krypton.auth.users.userModelBaseAuth
This module contains auth functions for models
- class krypton.auth.users.userModelBaseAuth.AuthUser
Auth Logic for User Models
- changeUserName(newUserName: str)
changeUserName Change the user’s username
- Arguments:
newUserName – The new username (string)
- delete()
Delete a user
- getLogs()
getLogs Get the login logs for the user
- logFailure()
logFailure Log a login failure
- login(pwd: str, mfaToken: str = '', fido: str = None)
Log the user in
- Keyword Arguments:
pwd – Password
otp – One-Time Password (default: {“”})
fido – Fido Credentials (default: {None})
- Raises:
UserError: Password is not set or wrong password is provided.
- Returns:
Session Key
- logout()
logout Logout the user and delete the current Session
- restoreSession(key)
Resume sessoin from key
- Arguments:
key – Session Key
- revokeSessions()
Revoke all Sessions for this User
- Raises:
UserError: If the user does not exist
- saveNewUser(name: str, pwd: str) bytes
Save a new user
- Arguments:
name – User Name
pwd – Password
- Raises:
ValueError: If user is already saved
15.5. krypton.auth.users.userModelMFAAuth
Extended auth logic
- class krypton.auth.users.userModelMFAAuth.MFAUser
MFA for Krypton Users
- beginFIDOSetup()
Being FIDO Registration
- completeFIDOSetup(response)
Finish FIDO Setup
- Arguments:
repsonse – The response from the client
- disableMFA()
Disable TOTP based MFA
- disablePWDReset()
Disbale PWD and revoke all codes
- enableMFA()
- Returns:
base32 encoded shared secret, QR code string
- enablePWDReset() list[str]
Enable PWD Reset
- Returns:
The recovery codes that unlock the account
- getFIDOOptions()
Obtain FIDO options before Auth
- Returns:
Fido Options as string, { “error”: “No keys availble” } if FIDO is not setup
- removeFIDO()
Remove the FIDO Auth from Server
- resetPWD(key: str, newPWD: str)
Reset Password
- Arguments:
key – Key as provided to enablePWDReset
15.6. krypton.auth.factors
Different Auth Factors available inside krypton.
- exception krypton.auth.factors.AuthFailed(*args: object)
Exception to be raised when an error occures in a user model.
- class krypton.auth.factors.fido
FIDO authentication support.
- static authenticate(cred_id)
Begin user authentication
- Arguments:
cred_id – The user’s credential’s id
- Returns:
verification options, expected challange
- static authenticate_verify(challenge: bytes, credential_public_key, credentials)
Complete Authentication
- Arguments:
challenge – The expected challange from authenticate
credential_public_key – The user’s public key
credentials – The credentials provided by the user
- Returns:
True on success, False otherwise
- static register(userID: int, userName: str)
Start FIDO auth registration process
- Arguments:
userID – User’s ID
userName – The User’s username
- Returns:
registration options and registration challenge
- static register_verification(credentials, challenge)
Complete registration
- Arguments:
credentials – The user’s fido credentials, recieved from the browser
challenge – The expected challenge
- Raises:
AuthError: registration failure
- Returns:
credential id and credential public key
- class krypton.auth.factors.password
Note: no need to create an object just call the methods directly. Simple password authentication.
1.) Hash the password with PBKDF2 and random salt.
2.) Decrypt the value in the table arg.
3.) Verify that the decryption was successfully authenticated.
4.) Return the encryption key.
- static auth(authTag: str, pwd: str) bytes
Authenticate against a tag
- Arguments:
authTag – Tag
pwd – Password
- Returns:
Encryption key if success, False otherwise
- static getAuth(pwd: str)
Generate authentication tag for later use
- Arguments:
pwd – Password
- Returns:
Auth tag
- class krypton.auth.factors.totp
Simple TOTP authentication
- static createTOTP(userName: str)
Create parameters for TOTP Generate
- Arguments:
userName – The username
- Returns:
shared secret, base32 encoded shared secret, totp uri
- static verifyTOTP(secret: bytes, otp: str) bool
Verify TOTP
- Arguments:
secret – The Shared secret
otp – The OTP
- Returns:
True if success False otherwise
15.7. krypton.auth._utils
Utils to help code
- krypton.auth._utils.cleanUpSessions(session: scoped_session, userID: int = None)
Cleanup Expired Session or Remove all sessions for a user
- Arguments:
session – The database session to use
- Keyword Arguments:
userID – The ID for which to delete all sessions (even if not expired) (default: {None})
15.8. krypton.base
Loads __CryptoLib and contains wrappers.
- krypton.base.base64decode(data: ByteString) ByteString
Decode base64
- Arguments:
data – Base64 encoded string
- Returns:
Base64 decoded bytes
- krypton.base.base64encode(data: ByteString) str
Base64 Encoding
- Arguments:
data – Text to encode
- Returns:
Base64 encoded string
- krypton.base.createECCKey() tuple[str, str]
create an Eliptic Curve Key
Encoded in P.E.M. format
- Returns:
Returns a tuple like (privateKey:str, publicKey:str)
- krypton.base.createTOTPString(secret: bytes, user: str) str
Create a TOTP String that can be scanned by Auth Apps
- Arguments:
secret – The shared secret
- Returns:
The String to be converted to QR code
- krypton.base.decryptEcc(privKey: bytes, pubKey: bytes, data: ByteString) bytes
Decrypt data using public/private keys
- Args:
privKey (bytes): Private Key pubKey (bytes): Public Key data (ByteString): Data to decrypt
- Returns:
bytes: the decrypted data
- krypton.base.encryptEcc(privKey: bytes, pubKey: bytes, data: ByteString) bytes
Encrypt data using public/private keys
- Args:
privKey (bytes): Private Key pubKey (bytes): Public Key data (ByteString): Data to encrypt
- Returns:
bytes: the encrypted data
- krypton.base.genOTP() str
Generate an 12-digit OTP/PIN.
- Returns:
The OTP/PIN as python string
- krypton.base.passwordHash(text: ByteString, salt: ByteString, opsLimit: int = 3, keylen: int = 32) bytes
- Arguments:
text – Plain text salt – Salt
- Keyword Arguments:
keylen – Len of key to return (default: {32}) opsLimit – Ops Limit for Argon2id
- Returns:
The key as python bytes
- krypton.base.seal(data: ByteString, key: bytes) bytes
Encrypt Data for at rest storage
- Arguments:
data – Plain text
key – 32-byte key
- Returns:
Cipher text
- krypton.base.sleepOutOfGIL(seconds: int = 5) bool
Sleep for seconds while releasing the GIL.
- Keyword Arguments:
seconds – Number of seconds to sleep for (default: {5})
- Returns:
- krypton.base.unSeal(data: bytes, key: bytes) bytes
Decrypt Data from restEncrypt
- Arguments:
data – Cipher text
key – 32-byte key
- Returns:
Plain text
- krypton.base.verifyTOTP(secret: bytes, code: str) bool
Verify a 6-digit TOTP
- Arguments:
secret – The shared secret
code – The code to verify
- Returns:
True is success False otherwise
- krypton.base.zeromem(obj: ByteString) int
Set the byte/string to x00
WARNING! Improper use leads to severe memory corruption. Ensure you only use it with bytes and string objects. Also, on PyPy this function does nothing to avoid corruption.
- Arguments:
obj – Object to do this on (bytes and str are supported!)
- Returns:
Result from memset.